The Frying Pan River below Ruedi Reservor is known for producing browns up to ten pounds and rainbows over twenty pounds. The state record brook trout was caught below the dam and weighed close to 8 pounds. The best places to land a trophy fish are in the “toilet bowl” right up at the dam and in the “bend pool” in the upper quarter mile of the river. The trout in the upper part of the river gorge themselves on the mysis shrimp that spill through the dam, reaching huges sizes. This is an unbelievable river, quite possibly the best trout river in the US. There is no other river where you can catch 4 different trout species over 20 inches, all on dry flies, all on the same day. Many huge fish have been hooked, but chances are not on your side for getting them in, as these fish can fight.

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