The Pan fished a little slow this trip, with most
days producing only 6-8 fish each. A colder February has caused
the spawning run to be a couple of weeks later then usual. The
big rainbows were not yet staging for the spawn. A couple of
bows in the 20-22 inch range were spotted, but were usually seen
bend pool
not interested
in taking a fly. The weather was warmer when we were there, bringing
on some excellent midge hatches. We took a lot of fish on dries,
most days we averaged 6-8 browns in the 14-16 inch range,
with an occasional rainbow.
The big fish for the trip was a hefty 22-inch brown. With the
flows coming out of the back spillway, the Toilet Bowl was devoid
of flows, but not fish. Some browns decided to stick around and
could be caught in the evening. Right around dark these fish
became surprisingly aggressive and would hammer wooly buggers
striped through the pool. The best flies were again black beauties
and miracle nymphs, with pheasant tails producing the best on
the lower Pan.