We had heard about some of the huge fish that had been taken from the “toilet bowl”, but it wasn’t until this trip that we finally tied into some. After all the trips I finally landed a big bow, a ten pound fish close to 30 inches. It was almost the trip of fish hooked, not caught, as we had all tied into some really big fish. We finally got some of these hawgs in, providing for some great memories and photos. The fish were all caught using various mysis patterns, most of which we had tied ourselves. In the couple of days we fished the Pan, we landed 10 fish between 5 and 10 pounds. We also caught a couple huge brookies, one close to 3 pounds and the other almost 4.

It was some real exciting fishing, these fish really fight and will take line like crazy. Matthew caught his biggest fish ever, a rainbow close to 7 pounds. Steve also landed his biggest fish ever, a tank of brown that was 9 plus pounds. The fish seemed to feed a lot more then usual with the flows about 100 cfs above the normal amount. There seemed to be a lot more mysis in the river and the fish were a lot more agressive then usual. We also fished the flat water above the bend pool one afternoon. There weren’t as many fish holding in the water as earlier this year, but I still managed to land one nice brookie close to 16 inches and break off an 18 inch rainbow. Both of these fish took a black BWO emerger.

August, 2002