The Toilet Bowl was empty when we arrived early in morning, so Tim and I decided to check it out. We could see a lot of browns holding in the tailend of the pool, so we at least knew there were some fish around. We hooked up every ten minutes or so, but it was pretty slow for the "Bowl". There was one large brown in the 30 inch range that taunted us all morning. I did hook up with it once, but it quickly broke me off on some rocks on the bottom of the pool. Tim landed one pretty sweet hook-jaw brown in the 21-22 inch range. We each caught maybe 5-10 fish, all but one browns, before deciding to head downriver to the flat water and Bend Pool.

There were some smaller fish in the flat water and I spotted a couple of nice browns holding just above the Bend Pool on the far bank. I caught maybe 5-6 fish from the far bank, with one 21-22 inch brown and a 18-19 inch rainbow. I continued fishing downriver and landed a couple of 18-19 inch browns indicator fishing the pool. I did catch three small rainbows, but the big bows didn't seem to be around. We spotted another nice brown that was maybe 26-27 inches holding in the tailend of the bend pool, but it spooked after a couple of casts. We continued fishing down to the bridge. I managed one more rainbow and Tim caught another 3-4 rainbows, all around 10 inches.

The flow was up around 150 cfs, which is about perfect for the Pan. The best flies up top were mysis shrimp, with black beauties and red midges working well further downstream.

April 23, 2009