Our first place to fish after arriving to the river was in the Bend Pool. We arrived late in the afternoon, towards the end of the Green Drake hatch, and found that many fish were picking Drakes off the top. Four to eight pound Browns were visible with an occasional 10 pound plus Rainbow. We spent the afternoon casting to rising fish and were successful in catching many browns, all 16-18 inches. A nice 16 inch cutbow was also caught on a Deerfield Special. The next morning there weren’t any bugs hatching so we fished mysis shrimp, again in the bend pool. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with an 8 pound brown only to have it quickly snap my line. Not long after, I hooked into another brown close to 5 pounds. After a long battle the fish was netted and released. Around 11 o'clock the green drakes started hatching, along with some pale morning duns. For whatever reason the trout were keying in on the PMD’s and we had success casting yellow humpies to the rising fish. Later in the evening I had an explosive strike while dead drifting a wooly bugger and played out a nice four pound brown. The water in the bend pool ranged from 2 feet to 8 feet with most of the larger trout in the 4 to 8 depth. Early in the morning, these large fish tended to hold in shallower water 2 to 4 feet, moving deeper in the afternoon. The best dry flies were Deerfield Specials, PMD’s, green drakes, humpies, and tricos in the evenings. The most successful fly was the mysis shrimp, but green drakes, miracle nymphs, copper johns, brassies, and pheasant tails were also hot flies.

August, 2001