The Taylor River is quickly becoming famous as a world class trophy rainbow trout fishery. The upper 1/4 mile holds many rainbows between 10-15 pounds, with an occasional larger fish. Three state record rainbows of 24 pounds have been caught in this catch and release area and they are still swimming in these waters. It's amazing to see all these "pigs" and sitefishing to them can be pretty exciting. Lots of these fish are hooked and fought, but not very many are landed. Brown trout are also abundent, with many caught between 5 and 10 pounds. Spring is the best time to target these hawgs, when they come down into the Catch and Release area during the higher flows.

August 2001
October, 2001
March, 2002
May, 2002
August, 2002
October, 2002
June, 2003
August, 2003
August, 2004
April, 2005
August, 2005
May, 2007
August, 2007
April, 2008
May, 2008
April, 2009
May, 2009