Whitewater is by far the most popular trout river
in Minnesota. It is heavily fished on both the north branch and
south branch, as well as the main stretch through the state park.
It is also one of the most heavily stocked rivers in Minnesota
and is managed as a put and take river in the park. The river
is stocked with both rainbows and browns, to compensate for the
lack of natural reproducing fish. It's upper stretches hold wild
brookies, which will eagerly take a large dry fly. The best stretch
is in the state park, but the fish average 10-12 inches. Occasionally
the DNR throws some larger fish into the river in the 4-5 pound
range, but they aren't caught often. One of it's biggest secrets
is that the tributaries to the main river often have the best
fishing and you will occasionally luck into a nice fish. Hiking
away from the most popular places can be extremely rewarding.