Rim Shoals was packed with fishermen when we arrived, so we decided to head down the railroad tracks to the lower shoals. Having never fished the lower shoals, it didn't appear to be as "fishy" or as deep as the upper shoals. I decided to do some exploring downriver, while Rob fished the riffle at the top of the shoal. It wasn't long before I looked back upriver and Rob was catching fish. I didn't find any real good water below the shoal, so I decided to head back up near to the first shoal to fish around the island. I found a good spot in an area where some faster water was running into a deeper pool. Fishing ended up being pretty slow overall for me and everyone else in the area. I heard a lot of guys talking that they had only caught 4-5 fish all day, and they were all small. I did land one small rainbow that was right around 12 inches. Rob came back upriver and said he had landed 15-20 rainbows down by the second island, including a chucky 16 incher. As the fishermen thinned out, we tried right at the top of the island with no luck. There were rumors of some larger fish on the back-side of the island, but we didn't dare venture over there and get stuck when the water came up. The water was down, but they had turned 2 generators on earlier in the day and we knew it was pretty close to hitting the shoals when we were there. I caught my only rainbow on trout crack, but Rob caught almost all of his rainbows on a wine colored san juan worm. I also tried throwing a couple different colored wooly buggers with no luck.

November 10, 2007