We started out at 12:00 am hoping to get an early start and maybe land a few fish by morning. After about a half hour of fishing in 20 degree weather, falling and filling my waders, and a run in with the Arkansas Game and Wildlife commission, we decided to go to bed and fish in the morning. We arrived around noon to find about 30 anglers where we had been the previous night, but they were catching fish. After the afternoon of fishing three of us had caught fish, with an extremely fat brown close to 7 pounds being the largest. A couple of larger fish possibly in the 10-15 pound range were broken off. Most of the fish caught were rainbows and a couple of browns in the 12-16 inch range. We fished mostly with the generators off, but we still caught fish while they had a least one on. The water depth ranged from 12 inches to around 3 feet deep with the larger fish schooled up in pods in the deeper water. The best flys were sow bugs and scuds, but San Juan worms, egg patterns, sculpin patterns, and wooly buggers also worked well. We also met John Wilson, a former captain of the National Flyfishing Team. We witnessed him hook and catch a post-spawn female brown that was well over twenty pounds.


February 1-2, 2002