Taneycomo, located in Southern Missouri, is one of the premier trout rivers in the South. Fish are visable year round and are usually targeted with sow bugs and scuds. The majority of the fish are rainbows, but an occasional brown may be caught. The river is known for its brown trout run in early fall, with many fish over 10 pounds present. You can usually site fish to these hawgs, but crowds are plentiful and the fish are weary. Big rainbows, some up to 30 inches, follow the browns up to feed on their eggs. Many fishermen predict that the next world record brown may come from Taneycomo, as a fish over 40 inches was recently found and fish over 30 pounds have been electro-shocked. The new state record brown was caught in October of 2005, a large male close to 28 pounds caught below the dam.

July, 2001
January, 2002
February, 2006
November, 2007