We arrived at the tailwaters in Branson around
4 am and found that they had all of the generators off. I started
out using a black wooly bigger below the second outlet. My second
cast brought me my first fish, a nice 12-inch rainbow. A couple
of casts later a 14-inch brown exploded on my bugger. The fishing
slowed soon after this and after switching to scuds, I decided
to switch to dries after seeing fish rising. I caught a couple
more rainbows with a Deerfield Special as the sun was coming
up. The rainbows were extremely active, especially in the shallow
water. They were either picking midges off the surface or digging
in the rock for scuds. I tied on a white wooly bugger and soon
had another rainbow on. In all I landed 7 rainbows all between
12-14 inches and 1 nice brown before the horn below around 11
am and they turned the generators on. I fished mostly below the
second outlet, but had the most success at the top of the Big
Hole. The best flies were the Deerfield Special, Wooly Buggers
and Wooly Worms, Scuds and Sow bugs. The water depth was 1 to
3 feet deep with the most active fish in the shallower water.