I finally talked Rob into taking me to Cheeseman
Canyon, a place I had heard so much about, but had never gotten
to fish. It took about 25 minutes to hike in through the snow
and we came out right above the Wigwam club. I expected to see
fish, but we had to walk a couple of hundred yards upstream before
we finally found a pool holding some fish. The fishing was surprising
tough and we had to work hard to get into fish. There were some
decent rainbows around, in the 20 inch range, and if we constantly
changed flies we found we could get them to bite. We each caught
a couple of nice fish in the first pool and continued working
upriver, catching a fish or two out of every pool. We worked
upriver, maybe a half mile, before deciding that the majority
of the fish had been down near the first pool we fished. We headed
back downriver and caught a few more nice rainbows and one nice
brown before calling it a day. We did stop downriver below the
Tee Pee private water where we each landed a couple of rainbows.
I spotted one real nice rainbow in the 22 inch range, but it
spooked up above the fence over the river after a couple of casts.
The water was relatively low, I would guess between 50-75 cfs.
The fish took anything smaller than a size 20, with black beauties,
miracle nymphs, and red midges working best.