We again headed down to a favorite hole around noon,
a pool located a couple of miles
above Blue Mesa Reservoir. We each caught a couple of small rainbows
and browns before deciding to explore some new water upriver. We
found an area where the river split off into branches and one
stretch was loaded with fish. In one hole we caught fish after
fish, almost every cast. Most were rainbows, with an occasional
small brown. The fish weren't large, but they still put up a good
fight. Every deeper holding area seemed to hold a fish or two,
and there would hammer our flies. We walked a good distance down
river before we got back to the main channel where the river widdened
up and got shallow. Jerry caught a bunch of rainbows right where
the branch brook off of the main river. We only fish for maybe
2-3 hours, but we each caught maybe 10-15 fish before we decided
to call it a day. The fish would take just about any fly, but we
had good luck with San Juans, phesant tails, copper johns, and
hares ears. |