We headed down to a favorite hole, a couple of miles above Blue Mesa Reservoir. We fished the hole for a good 5-10 minutes without landing any fish. Finally I hook up with a good fish and it comes off. A couple of casts later I hook up again and have it fall off. Finally Jerry hooks up and the fish went crazy. It jumped 3-4 times before heading downstream and falling off. Koaknee! The pool was full of them, forcing all of the trout out of the pool. For the next hour we proceeded to hook salmon every couple of casts and fight them until they were lost down river. I finally managed to get a small female in and even landed a couple of 14 inch rainbws. Our fun ended when the pool filled up with... suckers. I think we landed 5-6 each before calling it a day. The kokanee seemed to go for anything red and the rainbows were caught on San Juans, pheasant tails, and small chartruese midges.

August 7, 2004