We fished the conflux in Almont, hoping to pick up
some Kokanees with no luck. We decided to head down river to try
some new spots. We found a nice stretch of water about a mile above
Blue Mesa that looked promising. I found a nice hole where the
river split and my first cast brought me a 16 brown. We continued
catching fish throughout the afternoon, landing close to 15 fish
each. Every spot that looked “trouty” seemed to hold
a fish. They were scattered everywhere, with most fish holding
in deeper pools and the occasional fish coming from the shallower
riffles. Most fish were rainbows with a brown or two mixed in.
The fish weren’t picky and were caught on a variety of flies.
The best producers were Red and Chartreuse Copper Johns, Pheasant
Tails, Red & Pink San Juan’s, and Prince Nymphs. |