The Blue was on fire and was fishing better then
I have ever seen it. This usually technical river had many fish
eager to take our flies. We landed a couple of really nice rainbows,
with one bow pushing the ten pound mark. The big bows were actively
feeding and definitely willing to take a well drifted fly. After
wading up the river from the Hwy Bridge and catching a couple of
nice cutts, I came across a pool with one of the largest rainbows
I have ever seen. It was at the top of a deeper pool and holding
right between two boulders. I only hoped I could get a couple of
drifts on it without spooking it off. After a couple of drifts
it took my miracle nymph. I softly lifted up on my rod and the
fish took off up into the next rapids. What followed was one of
the best battles I have ever had. Knowing that I needed to keep
my line tight to the fish, I tried to follow after it, which turned
into more stumbling and falling. After a 20 minute battle up and
down the river, I finally got the fish turned into the net. At
this point I think I was more wet then the fish. It was a beautiful
bright red rainbow with a huge hook-jaw. I managed to find a guy
downstream, who after checking to make sure I hadn't caught a carp,
was nice enough to take my picture. I returned to the pool with
another one of my buddies who had come up river after seeing all
the excitement. We took turns casting to another large rainbow,
when I finally got it to take my fly. It was another fat rainbow
close to 22 inches. I returned to the hole and finally he hooked
into another huge bow, close to the same size as the larger one
I had landed, only to lose it in the rapids after a short fight.
I spotted another rainbow close to 20 inches, but after hooking
into it and chasing downstream after it, I realized it was much
larger. When I finally got it in the net, I found a fat female
rainbow close to 25 inches.

These fish were by far the fattest
and hardest fighting trout I have found anywhere. We landed a
couple more cutthroats and another nice rainbow close to 21 inches.
was by far the best day I have ever had on the Blue, a river
that I have struggled on at times. If you could find the big bows,
could definitely get them to take a fly with a well-placed drift.
It was a memorable day on the Blue and I recommend making a trip
to this river to catch a hawg of your own. |