We got to the Baptism at first light and were suprised
to find the pools up above the first set of falls to be full of
pinks. The water was extremely low, allowing for the fish to make
it all the way up to the barrier falls. We heard splashes up river
and found a couple of kings paired up in the riffles. It didn't
take long before I was hooked up with a big female. It took me
up river a ways and I held it in the current until Jerry made it
up with the net. It was a nice hen close to 15-16 pounds. Rob and
Jerry headed back down stream, but the fish had all spooked. We
worked our way up to the barrier falls and spooked a couple of
nice fish in the pool. None seemed interested in our flies, so
we headed back down to fish the pinks. Most the fish were pretty
crusty and didn't want anything to do with our offerings. Jerry
came back down river and said he had landed another nice female
close to 15 pounds. We headed back up river and I spotted yet another
female holding in about 1 foot of water. Another couple of casts
and I was hooked up again. This one bolted down river and we started
running. It ran underneath a log and as I was trying to get my
rod under the log the fish jumped up onto shore. Jerry ran over
and grabbed it by the tail before it cold flop back into the water.
It was another nice female close to 14 pounds. We decided to head
up the shore to try some other rivers in hopes of finding higher
amounts of kings. The best flies were egg-sucking leaches in darker
colors. |