The Baptism was loaded with Pink Salmon when we arrived.
I couldn't believe how thick they were and there was hardly anyone
fishing the river. The leaves were just starting to turn and the
weather couldn't have been nicer. We quickly landed a couple each
and proceeded upriver in search of our real target, the Chinooks.
We waded and fished the upper mile all the way up to the barrier
falls, but had no luck. We spent a couple of hours swinging flies
through the deeper pools, we even saw one jump, but they just weren't
interested. We headed back downriver and landed another 20-30
more pinks each. I was suprised that at times these fish would
get agressive and go out of their way to take a fly. Most fish
were in the 14-16 inch range and eagerly took any bright colored
fly, with chartruese wooly buggers working the best. |