The Brule was low, but we had heard rumors of some
large browns and steelhead being caught. We started out below the
FF bridge and caught a couple of smolts, but no browns. Rob and
Tim headed up above FF to some of our favorite holes, but also
had no luck. We decided to head down river to try some new holes
closer to the lake in hopes of finding some new fish coming in.
We found tons of great holding water, but again no fish. We tried
the upper Brule near big lake, but found nothing but creek chubs.
Finally we found a nice fish holding under the Hwy 2 bridge. It
was decent size brown, but after a couple of casts it swam off
into the deep pool below the bridge.We spoke with the DNR officer
and fishing had been slow for everyone, although there were some
fish rolling near the Sucker Hole, so there were at least some
fish in the river.